Oh Dear I’m a “Shameful Unionist Troll”

It seems I’ve caught the attention of the New Sunday Herald’s senior investigative reporter.

The pictures below says it all really.

Update 21/8/17 – Over a week now and The Herald refuses to respond to this post on their article or tweets sent to the paper, editor and the journalist. In fact the editor Niel Mackay has even blocked me on twitter, pathetic.

I think he must have known the reaction he would get from me re this Sunday’s abysmal piece on North Sea Oil  taken almost verbatim from Business For Scotland, an evident propaganda arm of the Yes movement.

Find the article here Shameful Unionist Trolls – Me? Nah.

Screenshot 2017-08-16 14.07.29

Screenshot 2017-08-16 14.07.44

Getting Dragged out of the EU? (Who is “dragging”who)?

Since the quite weak inclusion of a reference to Indyref2, in the SNP manifesto from the 2016 HR Elections, and stated as  “we should have the right…..” it is interesting to look at the two versions of that manifesto served up to the public.

Here in its entirety is the “Easy Read” version that many people will have read for brevity:- SNP 2016 Holyrood Manifesto note there is no mention of anything other than there being clarity that more than half of us wanted separation.


You might recall this was to be ascertained by securing polling above a certain level over a lengthy time period. Perceived wisdom at the time was the level should be 60% and that the “polls” should demonstrate that level for a 12 month period. This hurdle was never printed yet never denied by the SNP when pressed (by me among others).


Here is the full version that requires, certainly in my case, a Google Account to access:- SNP Manifesto 2016


Note the differences and note the ‘should’ word.To me that’s very woolly, won’t be to the die hard nats, but its wooly enough to confuse the less than well politically versed and those who believed the PR spin that the 2016 election was not about independence.

Note also that they want the right even if there is no clear majority. Doublespeak.

Following the shock Brexit result the clarion call for Indyref2 has been shrill and incessant, “Scotland voted remain” “we are being dragged out of the EU against our will.”

The reality is that the SNP and their desire for separation clouded Scotlands “participation” in the UK Brexit referendum, be in no doubt that it was a UK vote and that the SNP carried out a woeful remain campaign that saw the Scotland turnout to be substantially less than the rUK. The UK and all its constituent parts voted to leave, “Scotland”did not have a separate vote and the question on the ballot paper was unequivocal, should the UK leave or remain.


Lets turn the clock back to 18/9/14 when with a vote of 55/45 we voted to remain as the UK. lets postulate what would have happened if No had lost with the vote being Brexit like at 52/48 leave, would Scotland have then been about to drag The Orkney Islands and the Borders regions (all massively No) out of the UK?

As per usual with the SNP its that damned clause 2A of their constitution, the one that is in reality their primary clause 1, that dictates what they say how they twist and how they act, it is indy at any cost. Even with the latest GERS they can admit the financial impact separation would have.


I’m delighted to see that today Indyref2 has been ruled out for 2017. In reality it would have been impossible anyway. There is no clear mandate as explained above, the UK could not cope with another one until it has cleared its decks of Brexit (say March 2019 on the upside) and even then, there needs to be a new section 30 agreement to give the Scottish Parliament the legal right to hold indyref2, which would also be subject to another Edinburgh Agreement.


Screenshot 2017-01-09 18.39.47.png

Its worth pointing out that all of this takes time and has to go through all three institutional houses to get approval, time, a lot of it. In the meantime we have Brexit to deal with, the reality of GERS and the financial position of Scotland along with the snp limping along in now its ninth year of power, twelve by 2019 which is when I think the first chance of an unlikely indyref2 would be.

Judging by their performance to date and the intended use of new powers via the Scotland act 2016 I think they may well have lost the shine for many Indy supporters.Add to this the totally different dynamic the Brexit has added, with a third of SNP support apparently having voted leave, and we can see turmoil for the SNP ahead.

In closing its also worth exposing another SNP slight of hand.During the Indyref campaign there was NEVER any guarantee that a No vote would mean that Scotland remained in the EU. The proposed Brexit referendum was explicit and what was even more explicit (see my Europe blog Europe 3 ) was that if we had voted Yes we would definitely have removed ourselves from the EU, the amount of Yes SNP doublespeak is astonishing.

Lets see what happens in the May 2017 Council Elections.



Consultation on a Draft Referendum Bill (Ends midnight 11/01/17)

This was my question 1 response;

Highly unsatisfactory, there should be no second referendum for the foreseeable future, it would be unwarranted and unnecessary and ignoring the settled will of the Scottish people in what was supposed to be the “one opportunity” proposed by the SNP. All other comments are subject to this one.

There was NO clear SP16 manifesto mandate:- “should have the right” is definately not “will have the right.” This is SNP doublespeak, intentionally designed to suggest the SNP were retreating from separation on the back of the No vote, encouraging voters to vote SNP in the erroneous assumption that a second referendum was not on the cards.

Your forward comment re “the people of Scotland voted to remain in the EU” is factually incorrect, the UK EU referendum vote was a UK one and not a Scotland one. The ballot paper was quite explicit, not a mention of Scotland anywhere.

The ballot question should not be a simple yes or no, it should reflect the electoral commissions progress and thinking as per the EU referendum and it should be:
“Should Scotland remain a member of the United Kingdom or leave the United Kingdom” with Remain/Leave being the tick boxes.

Due to referendum fatigue and the knowledge that we will NOT be in the EU after a leave UK result, it is both fair and reasonable that both turnout and winning hurdles are introduced to ensure such a monumental decision (to leave the UK having already left the EU) has proven solid support. Not to do this will again increase harmful division in Scotland, no reputable government should subject its population to further increased levels of division and uncertainty that Indyref1 and the EU referenda has obviously produced.

The turnout should be no less than 75% (well below Indyref1) and the winning margin should be at least 10% to remove any doubt whatsoever that leaving would be the accurate and definative will of the Scottish people.

If the result is remain, it should therefore be a condition that the Scottish Government can NOT instigate another similar referendum for 20 years, to give stability back to Scotland and allow future Scottish Parliaments to focus on devolved matters and its extensive new powers via the Scotland Act 2016 to the benefit of Scotland .

Due to Brexit issues EU nationals not “permanently resident” ie. not British Citizens or not holding joint citizenship should not be allowed to vote.

Consultation closes on the 11/1/17

Update 4/7/17

After publishing the results immediately before summer recess it is evident that the consultation has not gone well.

ScotGov published a review as did ASP outlining general responses. There is no available quantitative or qualitative analysis on the detail. Yet a single comment from one respondent was highlighted, the analysis was appalling.

I will post some links below for your consideration, but take note, my response above, which was open named addressed etc, is not to be found.





Update 17/7/17, this will be interesting;

Screenshot 2017-07-17 13.46.25Screenshot 2017-07-17 13.46.44Screenshot 2017-07-17 13.47.11

Meanwhile, support for the SNP and separation continues to dwindle. Spot the yellow.

Only Angels have Wings? – Seperatist Spin Splattered (25 elements and counting) Created December 2016 Updated 4 March 2017



The links will take you to blog posts which are informed opinion, facts, data & common sense – these well researched and evidenced blogs explode the pantheon of separatist myths.

Please leave a comment on one of my posts if you have suggestions for additional blog posts for this collection. Please not my Twitter is currently suspended (troll activity).



DIVORCING THE EQUAL PARTNER? (With a nod to Margaret). By me. (With a little help).

NOTHING TO SEE HERE 🙄 Twitter @BlairMcdougall

SAYING NO TO MRS. ANGRY Twitter @EffieDeans

INDYREFf2? By me.

BOX OF DELIGHTS The Baby Box Banter @Graeme_from_IT

THE GERS MYTH A post with data & information links

THE VOW – Scotland Act 2016 @GOVUK

WHISKY EXPORT TAX   Twitter @FraserWhyte81




Extract from an email to Neil

BIZ FOR SCOTLAND 2 Twitter @NeilEdwardLovat

BIZ FOR SCOTLAND 1 Twitter @Kevverage

POLICE VAT  Twitter @FraserWhyte81

SCOTTISH EXPORT SPIN Twitter @FraserWhyte81

SCOTS PENSIONS POST INDY   Twitter @NeilEdwardLovat


SCOTLAND & EUROPE  Twitter @stevesayers1




WINGS WEE BLUE BOOK Misinformation? Twitter @Kevverage

GERS EXPLAINED (ScotGov & the SNP accept GERS as correct to date. Continuous improvements are applied retrospectively)  Twitter @strath_fai



MILKING THE MINIONS?  Twitter @rogerlwhite



I’ll smash your heads and ask questions later – Wings Over Scotland

No surprises here, just needs as big an audience as possible.


VIOLENT DODGY liar named and shamed as editor of Wings Over Scotland – Stuart Campbell.

The five floor, five bedroom, townhouse, Campbell claimed was a "huge block of rented offices." The five floor, five bedroom townhouse which Campbell claimed was a “huge block of rented offices.”

By Longshanker aka @ergasiophobe

A NOTORIOUS cybernat threatened amateur copyright investigators with extreme violence after they exposed his dodgy internet dealings in the late 90s, it has been revealed.

Stuart Campbell, 48, warned have a go sleuths Damien Burke and friends: “if I find any of you outside my door, be warned that I’ll smash your heads off the railings first and ask questions later.”

The chilling threat followed Burke’s revelation that Campbell’s home address in Bath matched the billing address of a hooky software company trading as Rocketship Services.

Rocketship was raking in the cash by selling and distributing CDs packed full of stolen game software at £30 per disc.

Burke’s investigation exposed Campbell’s posh Bath town-house residence as the…

View original post 504 more words

Alf Young – Professor Sir Tom Devine: A Riposte



I have read and reread Tom Devine’s reasoned case for why our “most celebrated historian” now says yes to independence for Scotland. First revealed in The Observer on August 17, Tom’s “declaration” was delivered to a journalist and a New Zealand academic in the Grill on the Corner restaurant the previous Friday. If there is a yes vote, quite what a future Tom Devine will make of such a mundane setting for such a seismic conversion is anyone’s guess. You can read his full text here.

Yesterday the journalist – Kevin McKenna – duly committed himself to yes too. You could have knocked me over with a copy of The Celtic View, which he once edited, at that news. McKenna denounced the “raw corporate power” of the “massed ranks of the British and Westminster establishment” for making his choice so much easier. But wait Kevin, the declaration that got…

View original post 1,539 more words

Wangsology – the see no facts hear no facts extreme separatists


After being heavily involved in the Scottish Independence referendum debate, in person, on twitter, a small amount of Facebook and this, my blog, I have realised something strangely peculiar
When separatists are presented with very straight forward facts or logic that mitigates against secession, they react in a very odd way. The most extreme exponents of this “ideology” are “Wangsologists” the practitioners of “Wangsology.”

The £

Take the £. It is pretty clear now, from the treasury, the Bank of England and all the main UK parties, that a currency union is not going to happen. The lack of a currency union is bad for an independent Scotland, we would have no lender of last resort, further and more crucially, we would have zero fiscal control over the £ (or the Euro or any other none indigenous currency if we chose to use it). Nat’s say it’s our £ and we can use it, then put fingers in ears and hands over eyes when you agree that if course we can use it, but not control it, print it or influence it. We could “use” ANY currency in the world but that “use” is not the point. It’s frightening really, because most intelligent people understand when there is a real problem, they don’t just ignore it. Some even formulate plan “B” but not Scotgov, Wangsologists think this lack of concern entirely normal.
Nat’s will also say we can create our own currency from scratch, which is absolutely true, of course we could, however the fiscal fallout from Scotland seceding from the cUK at the same time as creating a new currency, while also trying to renter the EU, is mind boggling, but apparently they think it’s easy peasy. Some Wangsologists even advocate this risky approach as a preference. So in respect of currency, with no logical steer from the official Yes camp, Nat’s just make it up as they go along, parroting stuff from Wings Over Scotland contributors, the “font” of all hard line separatist knowledge. The phycology behind this thinking is pure Wangsology practised by Wangsologists (disciples), nothing but blind faith and obstinate refusal to see and consider real downside issues. https://stevensayers.wordpress.com/2014/03/25/the-great-scottish-currency-debate-iscotland-currency-options/ https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/scotland-analysis-assessment-of-a-sterling-currency-union

Anti Scottish

Another really strange thing is that some of my very intelligent friends who are pro independence, get heavily afflicted with Wangsology, it’s quite disconcerting to listen to them throw logical thinking out of the window to state that it’s “just wrong” and “anti Scottish” to oppose independence and that Westminster is undemocratic and evil. How can it be anti Scottish to vote No to an arrangement that is likely to increase austerity for the foreseeable future? reduce our influence in Europe and the ROW? reduce scientific investment and, well, etc. etc.? Both sides are voting for their preferred Scotland model, calling it anti Scottish is just pure negative Wangsology.


Next take Europe. Separatists insist the EU would never “kick out” 6 million EU citizens. They conveniently ignore it is the UK which retains EU membership, if we leave the UK we wave goodbye, at least for a while, to the EU. There is no way our “new” membership application can be resolved in Salmond’s timescale, if ever. So when you explain this, out come the fingers and hands to block orifices again, no doubt they are singing lalalalalalalala in their heads as well. Even if they reluctantly accept we need to apply for EU membership, they still believe, because Wangs tell them so, that citizens of an independent Scotland would retain EU citizenship. Absolutely incorrect. Wangsology, bulled up by an Ex European beurocrat with a heavily indy bias and tons of hot air strikes again, “it says we will be in EU on Wangs, so we will!” http://ec.europa.eu/justice/policies/citizenship/docs/guide_free_movement_low.pdf Some separatists even think that they can retain UK citizenship therefore retaining EU citizenship, that will not happen https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/274477/scotland_analysis_borders_citizenship.pdf

Fairer Society

The sticky one for many no voters is when Nat’s say an iScotland will be a fairer better society, lifting people and children out of poverty and hunger and making everyone better off. The reason it’s sticky is that most of us are naturally empathetic to suffering and the poor, it’s why Brits are so generous when it comes to charity. We don’t like being though of as uncaring or unfair. When you actually challenge them on exactly how things will be fairer, that relative poverty in the UK and particularly in Scotland is no where near as bad as they claim (comparatively good in fact), when you point out there are 256 food banks in the European Continent including Norway, they struggle to respond logically, Wangsology has such a grip that they do not realise there is no evidential backup for their claims, and definately no detailed strategy for “improving” things other than spending and borrowing. http://www.eurofoodbank.eu/portail/index.php?lang=en https://stevensayers.wordpress.com/2014/04/22/poverty-friend-of-separation/ They will even blame the UK for the problems of men’s health in Glasgow while ignoring the fact it’s completely different 30 miles away! Only a died in the wool Wangsologist can fool themselves this way.

Oil and “stuff” – “UPDATE oil price collapses, stays flat Wee Eck loses bet with Sun Journalist 14/12/15”

“it’s oor oil” No it isn’t, it was and still is a UK Asset, the UK have however agreed to share it with us if we decide to leave, very British of them. The actual split will be the subject of very tough negotiations around a myriad number of other complicated issues (assets and stuff). Wangsologists however believe that international maritime law will force the cUK to divide the oil as Scotland sees fit, yeh right! Appendages flash headwards again as they refuse to accept we are part of the UK, we are not a state yet, that the international community will stand well back and let cUK sort it out at the minimum detriment to them. http://www.scotsman.com/news/politics/top-stories/scottish-independence-legal-warning-over-north-sea-1-3105828 http://www.oilandgasuk.co.uk/cmsfiles/modules/publications/pdfs/EC040.pdf

Shared History

Wansology dictates that the UK is the evil empire, that we were forced to join by treacherous Lords, that we did not engineer some of our own problems with Darien, that we would have been more successful and wealthier if we had not formed the UK, that the whole of our shared 307 year history was a waste of time and achieved nothing of merit. To me, this jaundiced, spiteful, small minded and myopic view of our glorious shared culture and achievements is despicable, it’s a streak of meanness that should shame Scotland. Is it the politics of jealousy? Is it an inate inferiority complex? I don’t know, but it smells. It’s what causes them to hate London and Westminster with a passion believing we are morally different to the rest of the UK population. Hopefully losing an MEP to UKIP has disabused them of their unfounded claim to moral superiority. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottish_history


“We want the government we vote for” Why do they not realise we as voters get the government we vote for ? We live and vote in one of the worlds foremost representative democracies. One man one vote. Yes it may be improved by altering first past the post, but that is no reason to separate. There is no democratic reason to separate, the same issues will apply in an independent Scotland. Wangsologists don’t accept this because they have been told via Bath that Westminster is undemocratic, and for who knows what reasons, they believe it. Some will throw in the HOL, but that’s just meaningless when we understand how a second house works and how the Scotgov committee system does not. Reform the HOL, Don’t separate because of it. https://stevensayers.wordpress.com/2014/04/11/if-scotland-votes-yes-is-it-a-blow-for-democracy/


Even worse is when you have had a specific debate with a Nat and a month later the same point comes up, you remind them if this, woosh, off they go on a tangent because they wanted to release Wangsology tension anyway, arguing for arguing’s sake. Another tack is the paired Wansologists, once you have silenced number 1, number 2 kicks off on exactly the same path, like a Wings relay. Is this a Wangsology ploy, to tire me out? It doesn’t work, they get a blog link 😉 and often act as the inspiration for a blog post.


Disgruntled chancers seeking to sunder the UK by the application of failed logic while suffering from an intense feeling of inferiority coupled with a pathological loathing for the seat of UK parliamentary sovereignty.


Twitter and Facebook, often hunting in packs and keen to abuse No voters (yes there is abuse from both sides, but with twice as many Wangsologists on-line QED). And when you are on the receiving end it gets tiresome, boring and ineffectual. Typification Believes everything that appears on WOS and resorts to ad hominem attacks,normally within three tweets/posts when you make it plain you will vote no and can walk and chew gum simultaneously. Identification Anyone who likes or follows Wangs anywhere. Exceptions granted for study purposes.


Failure due to the complete lack of detailed plans to deliver an essentially emotional rather than a rational requirement, without structure or an appreciation of the pitfalls. The preverbal irreversible leap in the dark. Epilogue Unfortunately it seems some of our Yes Campaign bigwigs are converts too, Sturgeon has retweeted WOS, Salmond won’t proscribe them even after they misled Gunn or attacked Lally and Rowling, Swinney announces unprecedented borrowing to support their as yet un costed vision.

Thankfully it will all soon be over, the polls over time show we will comfortably vote No, so perhaps Wangsology and Wangsologists will become very scarce? Let’s hope so 😃 https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/scotland-analysis 20140621-001414-854130.jpg

Ps we voted no, 62% of us did not support separation.

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